Custom MARPE:
The Custom MARPE (Miniscrew-Assisted Rapid Palatal Expander) is a groundbreaking approach to palatal expansion, designed to offer a high level of customization that aligns with each patient’s unique palatal anatomy. Unlike traditional expanders, Custom MARPE provides the flexibility to omit molar arms, focusing the expansion directly through skeletal anchorage. This design choice is especially beneficial as it significantly reduces the risk of root resorption, minimizes dental force, and encourages greater skeletal expansion.
Strategically positioned TADs (Temporary Anchorage Devices) are essential to the Custom MARPE approach. By customizing the placement of TADs to align with the patient’s palate, the Custom MARPE achieves a more symmetrical and controlled expansion. This precision in force application enhances treatment outcomes by directing forces through the skeletal structures rather than dental anchorage alone.
Key benefits of Custom MARPE include:
• Individualized Fit: Tailored to each patient’s unique palatal shape for maximum comfort and efficiency.
• Reduced Dental Impact: Absence of molar arms reduces unwanted dental movement and the risk of root resorption.
• Symmetrical Expansion: TADs are placed to optimize balanced expansion across the palate, ensuring a more predictable outcome.
• Enhanced Expansion Capacity: Increased skeletal force distribution allows for a more effective expansion process.
Custom MARPE stands out among other expanders, such as the MSE (Maxillary Skeletal Expander), which typically includes molar arms, and Facegenics FME (Facegenics Midface Expander), which offers traditional expansion methods. By emphasizing skeletal expansion and minimizing dental involvement, Custom MARPE presents an advanced option for patients seeking efficient, minimally invasive, and personalized orthodontic treatment solutions.
B has been through more than the average orthodontic patient. Missing 1 front tooth, and a pre molar, B approached us at Team Dental for help with her complex problem. She just wanted her smile back!
B had previous orthodontic treatment that left her with a narrow palate, with very little tongue space, that affected her bite and speech.
After some percise planning and execution of a maryland bridge, & MSE, B entered the orthodontic period of her treatment.
After mse, maryland bridge, and implants, B is left with a beautifully restored smile